Castalla Town Hall repeals the terraces ordinance to free the hotel industry from paying fees


Nine establishments in the municipality plan to open to the public during the next week after entering Phase 1 of the de-climbing
The local executive expects the measure to be approved at this month’s plenary session, after learning of the conditions for reopening set by the government

Castalla Town Council has decided to repeal the municipal ordinance that regulates the use of terraces on public roads in hotel and restaurant activities. As a result of this decision, the owners of the bars and cafes will not have to pay the corresponding fee for the occupation of these spaces this summer, the collection of which last year amounted to nearly 8,500 euros in the municipality. The mayor of Castalla, Antonio Bernabeu, explained that “this measure is the first of an aid program that we are going to carry out to reactivate the hotel sector in Castalla, and to alleviate the negative effects that the crisis of the Covid-19 has meant, now that the Government has allowed to resume the activity within the de-climbing program”.

The government team held a first meeting last Tuesday with representatives of the Association of Commerce and Hospitality Castalla. Bernabeu has assured that the Town Hall is going to support the shops in these complicated moments, “that’s why we have started to know the concerns of the sector in our town and to inform them about the measures we have in place”. In addition, several councillors and the first mayor have maintained telephone contact throughout the week with all the owners of the bars and cafes to find out their situation and specific intentions. Once the government team has been made aware of what the business owners want to do, individual meetings have been called for Wednesday and Thursday with the business owners who have decided to open their doors to the public.

On the other hand, the Councillor for Trade, Maite Gimeno, wanted to make clear the collaborative position of the City Council as “our desire is to help local businesses as much as possible and, as the situation evolves and the measures taken by the central government are clarified, to adapt and find solutions to problems that may arise,” said the mayor.

As of next Monday, May 11, nine bars and cafeterias in the municipality, of the 40 premises with which Castalla has, have informed the City Council that they will open their doors as they have chosen to resume their service. The hoteliers who have taken the initiative will have to reopen their businesses in accordance with the regulations that must be published in the next few days in the Official State Gazette, which regulates the capacity of the establishments and details the hygiene and health measures that users must comply with, in order to ensure maximum safety for customers and workers.

For now, to be effective, the repeal of the ordinance must be approved at the next municipal plenary session held this month. Likewise, at the moment that the Town Hall wants to apply this ordinance again, it will have to take it again to another plenary session for its approval.

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