Castalla starts the elaboration of the Urban Agenda 2030 to design the future of the municipality

  • The document is strategic in nature, sets out the city’s sustainable policies and the entry into new funding channels

Castalla Town Council has begun the process to draw up the 2030 Urban Agenda (UA) for the town. The result of the document will be the design of a municipal strategy for the city model of the next decade. The UA will align municipal policies and projects with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN) to highlight the sustainable management of the Consistory. These goals aim to achieve equality among people, protect the planet and ensure prosperity.

The Urban Agenda 2030 will identify and prioritise the needs of the residents of the municipality. To this end, citizen participation will be sought from the social, economic and educational agents of the city, seeking their opinion and involving them in the process and decision making process of the challenges facing Castalla in the coming years. The strategy is based on the work developed during the last years, where the Castalla government team has implemented sustainable development measures in a transversal way in all municipal areas.

The mayor, Antonio Bernabeu, has indicated that “the Urban Agenda 2030 will be the roadmap that will turn Castalla into the municipality that all the neighbours design, in a consensual way, from the fulfilment of the SDGs and the European Green Pact”. In addition, added the mayor, “the initiative will pay special attention to the identity of our municipality and will design the lines of action to make Castalla a benchmark in sustainability, digitisation, employment and transparency”.

On the other hand, the drafting of the AU also means that municipalities can access supra-municipal aid and European Funds to help finance any type of project.
The Administration, key agents, associations and citizens will be integrated into the working groups designed by the Plan’s Steering Committee, in accordance with the main strategic axes. These define Castalla as a Sustainable, Resilient and Efficient; Smart City; Innovative, Industrial and Entrepreneurial; Cultural and Heritage City; Supportive, Inclusive, Diverse and Friendly; and Open and Transparent.

In turn, the councillor for sustainability, Gema Sánchez, said that “this is an initiative to promote sustainable development, but not only environmentally but also economically and socially, where all our neighbours will participate in the preparation of the same”.

Castalla Agenda Urbana 2030

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