Castalla celebrates ‘LGTBIQ+ Pride Week’ with workshops, games and plays

  • The Department of Social Welfare will light up the castle in rainbow colours and paint benches with the pride flag

Castalla Town Council has scheduled several activities to celebrate diversity with the second ‘LGTBIQ+ Pride Week’, which will take place between 27 June and 3 July. The Department of Social Services has prepared a varied programme of activities with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of fighting for the equality and dignity of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.

The councillor for the area, Maite Gimeno, highlighted the town’s commitment to the values of pride and respect represented by this event, which is being held for the second year in the town. As Gimeno stated, “we work so that the residents of Castalla can develop their affective and sexual life in the way they consider, taking into account the different ways of loving that exist in our society”. Thus, said the councillor, “it is the responsibility of the institutions to inform the population about these existing realities and to create the conditions for them to take place with total confidence and respect for all”.

In relation to the programme, the castle of Castalla, the main historical landmark of the town, will be illuminated with the colours of the LGTBIQ+ flag throughout the week, from Monday 27 June until Sunday 3 July.

Thus, Tuesday 28 June, the day on which International LGTBIQ+ Pride Day is celebrated around the world, will be the main focus of the programme’s activities. Between 10:00 and 13:30, the council will be handing out commemorative items at a stall located at the municipal street market, with a large influx of local people. In the afternoon, from 17:00, the ‘Pride Workshop’ will take place in the Espai Jove of the Casa de Cultura, lasting one hour. Once the workshop is over, at 18:00, different benches located on the esplanade of the Casa de Cultura will be painted in the colours of the rainbow. Both activities have the collaboration of the Red Cross.

Then, on Friday 1 July, the company ‘Tres Teatre’ will perform the play ‘MIA’ in the Casa de Cultura at 20:00. The following day, Saturday 2nd July, two activities will take place. On the one hand, between 10:00 and 13:00, a badge workshop will be held at the municipal street market, with the collaboration of the Red Cross. On the other hand, from 11:30 a.m., the Espai Jove will be the setting for ‘TUTTY’, a game about diverse families to raise awareness among citizens. This activity is aimed at people of all ages.

Finally, the mayor of Social Services has invited the entire population to participate in the municipal proposals to show that Castalla is an open and inclusive city, in which all identities that represent the acronym LGTBIQ+ have a place.

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