Castalla commemorates 25N with the 4th Week against Gender Violence

  • The Department of Social Welfare has organised talks, workshops, readings and exhibitions, as well as activities for schoolchildren

Castalla Town Council has presented a full programme of activities to commemorate 25N with the IV Week against Gender Violence in the city. The Department of Social Welfare has organised a series of talks, workshops, readings and exhibitions with the aim of raising public awareness of the importance of putting an end to gender violence. In addition, there will also be an emphasis on training with activities aimed at schoolchildren in the city’s educational centres. All of this will take place between 18 and 30 November.

The councillor in charge of Social Services, Maite Gimeno, stressed the importance of the fight against gender violence in the city. “This is the fourth time that we organise the week against gender violence in Castalla and it has become a must on our calendar”. In addition, as Gimeno said, “through participation in talks, workshops and multiple activities aimed at all audiences we manage to work and raise awareness among the men and women of the city of the need to put an end to gender violence and all discrimination in society”.

As for the programme of activities, the first will take place on Friday 18 with a talk by CM24H ‘’ in the Espai Jove from 11:30 to 12:30. On Tuesday 22nd the municipal street market will be the setting for the traditional ’25N badge workshop’ from 10:00 to 13:00. On Wednesday 25N activities and dynamics will take place with the personal wellbeing and school success groups in the Casa de Cultura from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 17:30 to 19:30.

On Friday 25th November, the International Day against Gender Violence, there will be a reading of the institutional manifesto at 12:00 noon at the doors of the Town Hall. In the afternoon, at 19:00, the Violet Reading Club will do a collective reading. Finally, on 30 November a workshop on healthy and sustainable menstrual health will be held by the Personal Wellbeing Group between 10:00 and 12:00 in the Casa de Cultura. In addition, the Municipal Library will host an exhibition on books with the theme ‘Estantería Violeta’ (Violet Bookshelf) between 21 and 25 November.

On the other hand, the educational centres of Castalla will also have activities aimed at schoolchildren. On 24 November the CEIP Rico Sapena will host the workshop ‘Give voice to respect’ and on 7 December the students of the María Asunta School will attend the workshops on gender equality.

Castalla starts work on the 1st Zonal Strategic Plan for Social Services
Castalla Town Council has also begun work on the 1st Zonal Strategic Plan for Social Services with the aim of promoting social welfare and achieving greater community equality. Through a comprehensive analysis of the current situation in Castalla, strategic lines will be developed to improve the resources and services of the Social Services.

In this way, the Consistory has launched the initiative with the aim of providing comprehensive support to people in situations of dependency, exclusion or lack of protection. In this way, it complies with the objectives of the Valencian Public System of Social Services and with the regulation of the map of inclusive social services.

The design of this key document is coordinated by the consultancy EQUÀLITAT, participació i igualtat, financed by the City Council and developed through the Social Welfare area.

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